Can you keep a Secret? by Fear359 (f/f, qs, grim) Sue was your average girl, but Sue had a secret that she kept hidden from everyone. She didn't even like to think about it, but late at night when she went to bed she would dream of it each and every night and so she had to do find it before it found her and she wasn't ready for it. Michelle and Vicky knew that Sue was a little strange, or a lot weird as they liked to say, and they knew that she had a secret, one that was driving them both crazy and they were going to find out what it was, one way or another! Each day after work Sue would change clothes and drive out into the woods by the swamp, and when she came into work the next day she always had a strange look in her eyes like she knew something, or was in heavy thought. So Michelle came up with a plan to follow Sue, to see what she was up to. Michelle told Vicky that they would both call in sick, and then when Sue got off they would follow here to see what her problem was. As planned both of them called in sick the next day, and they stayed at home until about 02:30 PM, 30 minutes before Sue got off work and drove out to the forest. Both of them didn't really know what was going on with Sue, but it was just something that they had to know about. As they both sat in Vicky's car talking they saw Sue's truck drive by at 03:06, and Vicky let her get a little ways up there before she took off after her. As they followed Sue at a distance they were joking about what they might find Vicky thought that Sue might be a drug runner for the mob. Michelle was saying that Sue was too stupid for that and might be having an affair with a married man and they were trying to keep it hush, hush. Both girls laughed as they followed Sue out of town and into the woods and a mile from the swamp. Sue turned her truck on the dirt road and slowed down due to all the pot holes the road had, once she got to her usual parking spot that was underneath a canopy of trees she pulled in and turned off her truck. Sue got out and checked her self over, jeans, tank-top, and her hiding boots, all was in order as it was everyday and after she grabbed a bag out of her truck she took off walking down a dense small trail. Vicky's like mustang hit the first pothole, and became an instant mudstang. The mud was so thick that her wind shield wipers had a hard time getting it off, so she had to stop the car and they both had to clean off the wind shied with their hands, and that took them almost five minutes, and when they got back in the car Vicky said this secret that Sue had had better be good because if it wasn't she was going to personally kick her ass. Michelle told her to lighten up, it was only mud, it was not like she couldn't get it cleaned. They were both looking for Sue's truck. After fifteen minutes of going less than five miles an hour they found her truck sitting underneath some trees, and Vicky thought that it would be best if they parked back a ways. That way Sue wouldn't know that they were following her. As Vicky found a place to park she turned of the car, and she and Michelle got out of the car, and looked around at the creepy place that Sue had brought them to. Neither one of them was really dressed to be out in the woods by a swamp, Vicky wore a pair of shorts, and sports bra, and a black pair of Nikes. Michelle was in a short skirt, a sports bra, and a pair of white Nikes. They both looked around for some sign of Sue but they found nothing, not even a trail that they could follow. Michelle suggested that they look so a trail of some sorts, it wasn't like Sue could have just vanished into thin air. So they both started looking for any trail that they could find. I took them twenty minutes to find the trail that Sue had taken, because she had put a few trees over the opening of the trail. Vicky told Michelle that Sue was up to no good, she was sure of it and the quicker that they find her the quicker they could get out of this place. Michelle laughed and told her that it wasn't that bad out here, it was a little creepy but nothing to get exited over. Both girls started walking down the trail, and as they went the trail got smaller, and smaller until they were walking through ankle high grass, and with neither one wearing pants the grass was making their legs itch. After five minutes of walking through the grass was starting to get to Vicky, who told Michelle that the first trail that she found she was getting on it because anything was better than walking through this grass that was making her legs itch like she had fleas. Michelle looked up and told Vicky that she was in luck because it looked like there was a trail up ahead, and Vicki and Michelle both started running through the grass for the trail, and when they hit the trail they both hit the muddiest part of the trail, and when they looked down, their shoes were covered in mud, along with most of their legs. Vicky started cussing, and Michelle started laughing at her because Vicky had just bought those shoe a week earlier and now they were covered in mud. Oh, how was she going to make Sue pay for this! The girls stepped out of the mud and saw some foot prints in the mud, and they knew that they had to belong to Sue. The both of them were creeping down the trail when they both thought they heard something. It sounded like someone was in trouble, and it sounded like Sue. As they both made their way forward, the came upon Sue who was standing in a small open clearing, and she had a video camera on and she was talking to herself. Vicky looked at Michelle and almost started laughing. It sounded like Sue was doing a movie of some sorts, but they couldn't understand what she was doing in the open like that. Then Sue turned towards the camera, and started to beg and plead like there was someone there with her. And then she started to back up, saying, "No, please! Don't do this! Don't hurt me! I don't want to die, not like this!" Michelle looked at Vicky who was already looking at her, and when they turned back to look at Sue, they could see the ground move underneath Sue's feet and then they were gone, swallowed by the ground. And then Sue started talking again, "Oh God, what have I stepped in? I can't pull my feet out, and it feels like I'm sinking! What? No, no! Not that, not quicksand! No! Please don't let me die in here, please! I'll do anything that you want, just don't let this stuff take me under! Please!" Vicky was just looking from behind the tree with Michelle, and she told Michelle that Sue was crazy. Michelle said that it looked like she was doing a movie of some sorts and it seemed that she was the damsel in distress and this damsel must have a thing about sinking in quicksand. Both girls stood there just watching Sue struggle to her so-called doom, and if they didn't know any better she was really sinking and doing a really good job as the girl trapped in the quicksand slowly sinking to her doom. As the girls looked on Sue really started to thrash around in the quicksand and the more she moved the deeper she sank until she was neck deep, and then all of a sudden she was gone. There were a few bubbles that came to the surface but that was about it. And after what seemed like forever Sue popped back up coughing and trying to get as much air as she could. She then struggled to free herself which took about ten minutes. Then she walked over to her bag and pulled out some water to pour some on her hand. She then pulled out a towel and dried her hand and turned off her video camera. Michelle was quiet, and was just standing there in awe of what she had just witnessed, and when she asked if Vicky saw what she had just seen, Vicky just shook her head. Sue rounded up all her things and walked down to the stream to clean herself up and then head home as if she wanted to get this tape mailed out this evening, and away she went. As she disappeared through the tress and down to the stream, Vicky looked at Michelle and said, "My God, did you see that? That was so cool, I have seen quicksand in the movies but I always thought that once you stepped in quicksand you were done for. But she got out easy!" "Vicky, I think it's more to it than that but yeah, that was cool. It looked so cool that I think I want to do that, and I think that I'll do it today after Sue leaves. We could have own little sink fest if you don't mind you car seats getting wet." Vicky just looked at Michelle, and told her, "When she leaves let see if we can do it better." The both of them ran back to her car, and they drove out of there and waited for Sue to leave. They were both talking about what they had just seen, and both of them were getting very exited about it. The thought of them sinking in quicksand set them both into a frenzy. They waited for about thirty minutes, and then they saw Sue's truck pull out and make a right had turn, heading back for town. Vicky turned on the engine and turned down the dirt road, and even though there were pot holes in the road Vicky drove as fast as she could to get there. Both girls jumped out of the car and started walking really fast to the spot that Sue had done her sinking drama in. When they got there they looked around to see if they could get themselves out once they got caught, and sure enough they found a rope tied to a tree that was under some leaves. As Vicky looked at Michelle and Michelle looked back at her both of them wanted to ask the question, "Who would go first?" They had both seen Sue do this, but they were both still a little nervous about stepping into quicksand on purpose. Then Vicky said, "Look, I know I want to do this, but I am kind of not sure about this. So if it's all the same to you Michelle, can you go first?" Michelle just looked at Vicky and said, "Alright, I'll do it! I think that I'll try something different than what Sue did. I'll be just walking with you and I'll just walk right into it and then you try to pull me out, and you get trapped too. Then we'll sink up to our necks, and then we'll pull ourselves out." "That sounds great Michelle. How far behind do you want me to be?" "How about ten to fifteen yards?" "Okay, let's do this, Michelle! And try to make it really good!" "Hell, you just worry about you, and I'll worry about me, Vicky!" As the girls set up for their first sink, Vicky backed up about 10 yards, and Michelle was just looking at the ground in front of her, knowing that she was about to step into the great unknown, the world of quicksand, and she wanted to try it out. Vicky called to Michelle that she was ready for the danger, and Michelle turned and gave her the thumbs up signal, and said, "Here we go!" Michelle took a few careful steps forward just to test the ground that she was walking on, and found that it was like walking on a waterbed, just a little muddy. She got about six steps in when she felt her Nikes sink into the ground. She felt a wave of shock run through her as she knew that the quicksand had just made it's move (so to speak) on her. As she tried to pull her foot up the other one went in deeper, and when she tried to move the other one the same thing happened. Deeper she went into the ground. "Vicky, can you give me a hand? I seem to be stuck in some kind of mud, and every time that I try to pull a foot out the other one just goes in deeper!" "Shit, Michelle! I can't take you anywhere can I? Out here in a flipping swamp and you have to get yourself stuck in some kind of mud, and - Hey! What the hell is this?" "Vicky, what's wrong?" "I don't know. I walked over to get you, and this ground just gave way, and now I can't get my feet out! Don't worry, though. I can get out of this stuff. All you have to do is move your feet up and down to make the mud get softer, and then you will be able to get your feet out!" As the girls began to move their feet up and down they both knew that all they were really doing was making the quicksand softer so they could sink. But then again that was what they both wanted to do in the first place. "Vicky, I can feel the mud getting softer, and I think that I can pull my feet out and ... Oh shit! What the hell? Vicky, all that moving my feet up and down just made this stuff softer, and I'm sinking faster! What have you done to us?" "Shit, Michelle! I don't think that this is ordinary mud. I think that we have stumbled into a pit of quicksand!" "What? No! Not quicksand! It can't be, that stuff is only in the movies right?" "I'm afraid not! This is quicksand and we are sinking in it, and there is no way out!" As the girls do their little make believe struggle in the deadly and deep quicksand both of them begin to feel the quicksand pointing their toes towards downward so it can swallow them more easily. They both sink up to their knees, and then their waists, and when the quicksand hits their chests they both start to get a little worried. "Michelle, I think that we have sank in deep enough. I don't think that I am really for a full sink on my first time. Grab the rope and let's get out. We can always come back and do a full sink." "Alright Vicky, we'll come back later and do a full sink. I'll grab the rope and ... Vicky, I think that we have a problem! I put my arms underneath this stuff, and now I can't get my arms out!" "Michelle, that's not funny, you know! I'm getting scared, so just grab the damn rope so we can get out of here!" "I can't! My arms are pinned at my sides! Oh God, Vicky! I /can't/ grab the rope! I /really/ can't. I'm trapped in quicksand /for real!/" As the girls struggled for real they both know that they were in real danger now, with Michelle's arms trapped at her side. She was the closest one to the rope, Vicky was four feet behind her, and there was no way that she would be able to reach it from where she was. The quicksand was slowly making it's way up. The girls, who had just about lost it altogether, were both screaming and thrashing around in the quicksand, making themselves sink that much faster. As the quicksand reached the girls' necks they knew that they were about to die. All because they saw something that they thought that they could do better than that psycho Sue could. "Vicky, I'm sorry about this. I thought that I could get out like Sue did. I didn't think that this stuff had a vice like grip!" "Michelle, I'm the one who should be sorry! I should have had the rope. I thought that we would both have some fun in here and then get out and come back another day. But now it's too late for the both of us." "Oh you two, it's not the end, at least not yet!" "Vicky? Who said that? Please don't tell me that it was Sue!" "Sorry to rain on you're little sink there, Michelle, but it /is/ Sue! And if you two don't want my help then I'll just go on about my business and leave you both to sink to your doom!" "Sue, come on! You have to help us, please! What have we done to you?" "Well, let's see ... You two talk about me like a dog. You think that I'm some kind of freak or something, and then to top it all off, you two followed me here. Why?" "Only to see what you do. And we can see that you are into this quicksand thing. That's all we just wanted to know, what you did when you got off work. Now please hurry before we go under!" "Alright you two, hang on and try not to move so much! I have to grab the rope and then I can get you two out." As Sue made her way around the quicksand she looked up in the trees to see if the other camera was still there. And she could see that it was as she grabbed the rope and started walking in the quicksand. She reached Vicki and put the rope under her armpits. And then she made it to Michelle and did the same thing. Sue told them both to start pulling like their lives depended on it, which in this case it did. As the two girls struggled with everything that they had they found that it was a lot easier getting into quicksand than getting out. It took them about twenty-five minutes of struggling to finally get out of the quicksand, and once they got out both of them just lay there on the ground covered in mud, just glad to be alive. "What in the world are you two doing here?" "Vicky and I wanted to see where you went after work and why you were such a private person! We never would have guessed that you were into deep mud and quicksand!" "I'm really not. I just wanted to see what all the hoopla was about sinking in the stuff. It's not that am quicksand freak, it's just a hobby, that's all." "Damn, woman! Why couldn't you have a safer hobby, like men or something? That stuff almost got us killed!" "No, Vicky. /You/ almost got Michelle and yourself killed! Why get into something that you know nothing about? It took me six months to study everything there is to know about quicksand and then another three months to find some deep enough that I could sink into all the way. Now why don't you two go down to the stream down there and get yourselves cleaned up? And then I'll show you how to do a good sink." The two muddy women made their way down to the stream to get cleaned up, as Sue talked to them about the properties of quicksand, and how it worked. It took Vicky and Michelle about twenty minutes to get all the mud off of them, and when they had most of the mud off of them, Sue told them that the stuff they were in was only about seven feet deep and that the deeper stuff was about a half a mile away. "You mean to tell us that there is deeper stuff than the shit we were just in?" "Oh Vicky, there is much deeper stuff out here! Stuff that I haven't even tried yet. I bring out rope and bags with rocks, and when I find some quicksand I throw the bag in and mark how far the bag goes down. So far the deepest stuff that I have found is over there and it goes down about forty feet. But I'm sure that it is much deeper than that, I just haven't gotten over there to add another twenty feet of rope." "Hey Sue! Since we are all out here, can you show us the deep stuff? I mean, now I'm kind of curious about this quicksand thing, and I would like to know more!" "Yeah, Sue! I would like to know more about this stuff, so could you show it to us?" "Well, I don't know. You two have to promise me that you won't try anything stupid. That stuff back there is really dangerous, and if you two get caught and start thrashing about I don't think that I could get you out." "Okay Sue. Vicky and I promise that we will watch our step and listen to you." "Alright then. Ladies, let's go!" As the girls headed out into the deepest part of the swamp, none of them said a word. Vicky and Michelle didn't want to get Sue distracted and they all would end up in some unforgiving quicksand that won't let them go. As they continued on their march through the swamp, they came up over a small ridge, and there, standing in front of them, was an open field that looked like nothing more than dirt and small amounts of mud. "Sue, are you sure that stuff is quicksand? It looks pretty harmless to me. What do you say, Michelle?" "I don't know, Vicky. If Sue says that there is quicksand out there then I have to believe her. I know the ground looks solid, but you know that looks can be deceiving." "I say we find out by throwing Sue in, to see if it's quicksand or not." As Vicky lunged at Sue to push her down the small slop, Sue took a quick step backwards and pushed Vicky forward. And she started to slip down the slop, because her shoes still had mud caked on them. She screamed all the way down the slop. Seeing her friend in trouble, Michelle hit Sue right in the jaw, and Sue went down hard. Michelle turned to see Vicky still sliding down the slop, and her jaw dropped to the ground when she saw Vicky's feet and calves sink into something deep. "Michelle, help me! This is quicksand! And it's worse than that stuff back there! Please, you have got to help me!" "Why did you want to push Sue down there?" "I just wanted to pay her back! These were an expensive pair of Nikes, you know!" "But that wasn't her fault, Vicky! I'll be right there, just remember what Sue said! Don't thrash around a lot!" As Michelle made her way past Sue to go down and help Vicky, Sue jumped up and pushed her from behind. And Michelle ended up in the same quicksand, but five feet from Vicky. "You two are idiots, do you know that? I thought that I could trust you, but like always, I was wrong about people. So you can both die in there for all I care. I have you both on tape back at the other pit. I forgot that I had put a camera up in the trees. Your little sink ought to bring me laughs for years!" "No, Sue! You can't do this! Please, I had no idea that Vicky was going to try something that stupid! Please, don't blame me!" "Sorry Michelle. Your friend and you share the same fate. Can't you see I can't let her sink and have you live to tell about it?" "You bitch, you freaking little bitch! If I could get my hands on you I would strangle the life out of your sorry ass!" "Well Vicky since you can't reach me from up here, and you are knee deep in trouble, I can tell you that you are the bitch, and I'm just sorry that your friend has to die with you." "Sue, please help me! Please don't let this stuff suck me under! I didn't do anything to you! Please, for the love of everything that is good, don't let me die!" "You hit me! You hit me hard and you now want me to help you? Is that it Michelle? Go to hell, the both of you! I have to go back and get my other camera, and then I can go home. See ya both around. Oh, but then again, no. I won't because you two will be gone. If anyone asks where you are I'll tell them that you both said something about going underground for awhile. Ha ha ha!" "Sue, please, help us!" As Sue started to leave Vicky and Michelle to sink to their doom the ground started to spin around her. The side of her head hurt, and as she touched the side of her head she could feel something flowing from the side of it. As she touched it she could feel a warm liquid running onto her hand, and as she looked at it she could see that it was blood from where she hit the ground after Michelle had hit her. As Sue tried to clear her head and find out which way was up and down, she tried to take a step but she took a step in the wrong direction. And Sue found herself sliding down the hill, and there was nothing to grab onto and nothing to stop her.   Sue didn't stop sliding down the hill until she heard a sicken splat of her feet being swallowed up by the quicksand. All three girls were trapped now, and each of them tried desperately to get out of the quicksand, and the harder they tried the deeper that they sank. Until the quicksand had a great meal, three young women, that were all stupid enough to get caught!