Company Policy by Michael Mariman (f/f, qs. grim) The blinding light, the loud horn, and the crash of glass as Dawn and Sharon's car slid into the ditch. For a few seconds no one said anything, although it felt like an eternity. Dawn looked at her passenger with a twitch of worry, hoping she was all right. Sharon awoke with a moan, shaking her head to get her wits about her. They assessed the damage, the window was smashed and the roof had crumpled in behind them. Looking for cuts and bruises, Dawn's skirt was slightly ripped, while Sharon's jeans remained intact. Neither of them lost any blood, but a small lump began to form just above Sharon's forehead. They tried to open their doors, which proved a futile act, and climbed out the windows. Dawn saw the car that ran them off the road stopped only a few yards from where the accident happened. A dark figure climbed out his car and strode towards them. Dawn was relieved to see he was going to help them in this minor crisis. "Thanks mister, can you call us a tow truck?" she asked politely. He smiled as he revealed a nasty looking weapon from his coat. "I think not." He opened the trunk on his car, motioning to the two now panicked ladies. "Both of you, in the trunk. Now!" Sharon sputtered and tried to respond to this demand, but it only came out as a frantic babbling. Dawn stared into the black space. "What do you want from us?" She got no reply as he shoved them in and closed the lid. As the car lurched around as it sped off, Sharon got her senses right and peered into the darkness, barely making out her friend. "Wha-wha-what do think he wants? Is he going to to-" "I doubt it, unless he was stupid. People are going to see our car and know something went wrong. Possible he might hold us for ransom, but for what I have no idea. Who knows what is on the mind of lunatics like that." A sudden bump found their heads painfully slamming into the lid of the trunk then the sudden deceleration forced them forward. The engine turned off, and the door opened. The lock opened like tumblers on a safe, flooding the trunk with bright light. "Ok, everyone out of the pool." As they emerged from the trunk, he motioned towards the wall. "Stand there until I say otherwise. You two are in deep trouble, and I suggest you don't make things harder on yourselves." They stood against the wall, looking at the shackles placed there. He placed a call to someone, stating that he had them, and was about to begin what he called "debriefing". Sharon looked around at the medieval type items on the other walls, and stared wide-eyed to her partner. He hung up and looked at his guests. "Well, looks like you both need to relax." He motions to 2 chairs. They gingerly sit there, wondering what's next. "I know what you're thinking, and you need not worry about that." He strides over to a series of old devices. "Why are you here? Simple. You want to leave the company, and after downloading several confidential files. Now normally this is no bother, but since you are going to our direct competition after you signed those contracts not to leave for any competition for at least 2 years, my boss requested that I debrief you. This is not a good thing. My methods are not considered in the realm of safe working conditions, but since I am paid off the record, I have no problems with it. Anyone who arrives to my 'office' shouldn't have to worry about those contracts, since you just broke them. Now, after a few tests, you will be free to go. The files you stole have been found on your systems at home and have been dealt with. Consequently I wouldn't be trying to use your computer to log onto the company network, the results would be disastrous and fatal to your computers. I have however backed up all the files from the other company and we now have access to their system. Your personal files are safe and sound which you will find on a disk at home." He walks over to a door and wheels out a lie detector. "I know these are illegal in the formal workplace, but this is anything but formal. You have a choice to either take this lie detector test, which I know you will fail, or take the field test. I have heard reactions about both, and quite frankly I don't care which you take. I'll be nice and give you a few minutes to decide." With a whoosh from his trench coat, he walks into another room. Dawn looked at Sharon, and asked her the question. "How did they find out? Is this some kind of joke?" Sharon shrugged. "This is unreal. We were totally secretive in getting those files. I didn't even use my own logon to get them. They should have been doing this to one of the employees on a cell team. I doubt he is going to let us live if we fail these tests. I can't try for that lie detector. We'd better take this field test he mentioned. That's our best way out of this." Dawn nodded, and the made the decision. The man walked back into the room, and lit up a cigar. "Well ladies, have you decided?" Dawn nodded and replied. "You know we can't pass that lie detector, and if we took that you would probably end up killing us. You seem to know everything we have done, and countered our actions. We'll take this field test." He smiled and helped them to their feet. "Excellent. I made a few calls and your car is waiting for you. All you have to do is get to it." He motioned them through several rooms. They looked at him nervously, wondering why he seemed so accommodating. As he opened one last door, they peered into a swamp. "Here's the deal. Your car is across this area here. You get to it; there is a bomb there. Pushing the green button will deactivate it. Throw the bomb into the swamp, and drive off. That's it. If you say anything of what happened to anyone, and I'll make sure you are never found. The boss says everyone deserves a chance, and this is the one I am giving you. You make it out of here, alive, and you can live your lives in relative peace. If you don't make it, the bomb will go off and you will be written off as a tragic accident. That's your chance. You can take it, or I can shoot you on the spot." He motioned them onto a small path leading into the dense growth. "By the way, that hacker friend you had to get into the system has been dealt with. He never got the opportunity you have at hand." They started to make their way through the swamp when they heard a shotgun blast behind them. Their pace picked up tremendously. As they scampered down the path Dawn took the lead but not by much. "This might not be too bad. Just follow this path and get to the car. Then we go to the authorities. This nutcase has got to be stopped." As they raced down the path, they made the turn to see the path was no longer. "Dawn, what are we going to do now?" "Ok, we know that the car is this way, so we better keep in this direction. He said the car is on a road, so if we find one the car shouldn't be too far off. Until then, we head due this way." The duo slowly made their way through the swamp. The eerie sounds that weren't heard well from the path began to invade their ears. Sounds they never heard before this night began to work their fears. The buzzing of locusts, the chirp of crickets, the splash of water as something moved, and the rustling of undergrowth nearby forced them to involuntary slow down to a near crawl. Sharon leaned on a tree, when a small spider climbed down the trunk, and over her hand. She shrieked with terror and looked down to try and stomp out whatever it was that touched her. Dawn saw the insect on the swamp floor and the 20 or so on the tree. Her skin crawled as they made their way to the ground. "We gotta get outta here!" stated Dawn as she led the way through the plants. The bottom of the swamp was layered with brackish water coated with algae. Their splashing drowned out many of the sounds as they kept to their destination and a small rise in the swamp. They stopped before a hummock and listened. Something was heard in the distance. Could it possibly the running of an engine? As Dawn looked for signs of cars, something brushed her leg. She remained still for a few seconds, trying not to panic Sharon. When the thing was gone, she moved to the rise. "This way, I don't think we have much to go through." As they emerged from the shallow water, Sharon thought she saw a headlight and squealed with delight. She charged past her companion, and parted some reeds. The place was mostly clear, with just a bit of vegetation growing around. "We're almost there. Come on!" Sharon nearly tripped over herself getting to the last leg of this nightmarish evening. As she marched to salvation, she didn't notice the ground beneath her getting softer ... Dawn looked as Sharon led the way, looking down she noticed something was off. Way off. "Sharon, stop. I think we got trouble here." Sharon stopped, and turned to her friend. "What do you mean? It's-" then her feet broke through the smooth crusted surface and slid ankle deep into some thick goop. "Oh, shit! My shoes are ruined." As she tried to lift her feet, she noticed Dawn was in the same trouble. As the mud climbed her claves, she looks to Dawn for strength. Dawn saw their predicament, and knew the truth. "Sharon, don't move! Don't even breathe! We're trapped in quicksand!" Sharon began to panic. "Sharon, calm down! We're in trouble, but only if we lose our heads." Dawn tried to sound rational, but her voice was laden with fear and panic herself as the quicksand rose to her knees. Sharon began to babble. "I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die. You gotta help me, Dawn. Oh god! I don't wanna die!" "Ok, just relax, and try to walk over to me. You're going to sink a bit more, but if we're together, we will be able to escape this mess." Sharon tried to walk to Dawn, lifting her legs above the trap and taking a step. As she placed each step down, she sank a few inches. It was worth it in the end, as she reached Dawn, though it cost her sinking up to her hips. Dawn felt the mire around her thighs as she reached for a set of reeds and cattails. Her fingers clawed at the surface of the sand. 'Only a few more inches,' she thought. An idea began to form in her head. "Sharon, I need you to lift me a little so I can reach those reeds. After I get them, I will be able to get you out of here, and we can go home." Sharon slowly nodded, but realized what this would mean to her. "Why did we take those files? I know it could've made us rich, but we should have reconsidered that." The quicksand was forming a pattern around her waist like all the patterns she saw in those old movies. The ripples from the quicksand began slowly moving away from her one by one. She grabbed Dawn and began to heave her to the reeds, shoving herself deeper in the process. Dawn reached out with all her might and grasped a handful of stalks. With her other hand, she got a firmer grip on them. She looked back to see Sharon nearly to her breasts in the bubbling mire, and set herself the task of getting them both out. "Ok I have the reeds, now don't move a muscle until I get out. I'll pass these to you and pull you out from there." Dawn slowly pulled herself from the quicksand until she at last felt the safe touch of solid ground. Sharon stayed still, only sinking a few inches where the quicksand just covered her breasts. Her eyes looked into Dawn's, pleading for help, and she knew that Sharon was doing everything she could not to panic, but soon that control would be lost. Dawn pulled the reeds out of the ground, and pushed them towards the quicksand's captive. Sharon tried to grab them, but they were too far away to get to. Sharon began to cry for help as the quicksand began to cover her delicate shoulders. Dawn grabbed the removed reeds and took hold of a second batch. She stepped back into the quicksand and thrust the handful towards Sharon once again. Sharon gasped with joy as she held onto the reeds. "We've almost got it. Now don't pull at me, it will only sink me further. Let me do the work." Dawn relaxed as she began to pull her friend to her. She silently thanked the company for the use of the gymnasium for this exercise. Sharon began to rise from the mud, clamoring to safety. Dawn felt as if her arms were about to tear from their sockets in this tug of war. Having a newfound respect for rope, she pulled Sharon closer to her. Sharon tugged as well, trying to escape the deadly trap. Sharon was just at dawn's feet when the reeds Dawn used as an anchor ripped from the ground. They plunged back into the quicksand, and settled to where they had previously sunk. Dawn reached for more reeds, but saw that they all were well beyond her reach, even if Sharon were to push her to them. They sank and cried together, as Sharon's shoulders slipped beneath the surface. Knowing her time was nearly up, Sharon looked at dawn. "I'm sorry for getting you into this. Friends to the end?" They laughed at this comment, given the time left. Sharon felt the cold feel of the quicksand touching her chin. With a look of resolve, Sharon went beneath the surface of the quicksand. Her hands reaching for help then dropped limp as a small surge of bubbles told Dawn that her friend was gone. Dawn saw the quicksand reaching for her chest, said a silent prayer. She knew that what she did was wrong, and began to curse in the silence. Behind her, someone sighed. "I like that part, especially about friends to the end." Dawn looked back and saw the stranger. He held a rope on his shoulder, and grinned. "You want out?" Dawn looked at her captor, then the quicksand as it closed over her breasts and climbed higher. "How long have you been here?" she asked. "Long enough," he replied. She looked at him as she sank deeper. Then she thought of Sharon. 'Friends to the end' popped in her mind. She looked up at the man, and smiled. "I wouldn't give you the pleasure." With a gesture, Dawn joined her friend in the quicksand. Guido looked at the quicksand. All she needed to say was yes, and he would have pulled her out. But security in a company like this needed to be guarded carefully. He pulled out his cell phone. "Yeah boss, they're gone. Don't worry; damage control is working overtime for this. I have everything safe and sound. The files they took were destroyed. The files never made it to the competition. They tried to upload them, but it was stopped. Yeah, I know. The arrangements are made. You said it yourself. Sometimes drastic actions need to be taken to protect the company. That's why you hired me. To protect company policy." He turned around and headed back to his office. 'What a shame,' he thought. 'You try to help people, and they just refuse it.'